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What to do if a mother isn't producing much milk

Newborn puppies are a beautiful thing. The first meals are essential for their survival. A good healthy mom that is producing lots of milk for her new born puppies is vital. In some cases due to a C Section or lack of appetite, some mothers don’t produce enough milk. Here are some tips I’ve learned over the past two decades that will help you tremendously.

There are a few supplements I suggest to mix in with your Dogs food as well as additional food to incorporate.

Breeders edge Oxy Momma and FenuGreek are the two supplements to give your nursing Dog per day. Two other foods to mix in that are both great for her and will encourage her appetite is Vanilla Ice cream and plain Greek yogurt. Serve cold and mix together well. These items mixed together and served cold work very together and dogs love the taste.

Most of these items are easy to get and work really well to both encourage your Dogs appetite and helps to increase milk volume. With all the hard work that it takes to produce a beautiful litter, its super important to keep them alive and thriving and also to focus on the new Mommy. I hope this helps you and I wish you much success in your Dog breeding. Please share and if you want to learn more about Dog Breeding you can purchase my Book Dog Breeding Secrets by Marcus E Curtis at


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