Founder and Breeder of the resurrected guardian of ancient Mesopotamia
The American Molossus
Returns a King
Puppies Born January 20th 2025
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Featuring The American Molossus
Old World Molossus
American Molossus
Makes German TV

Old World Molossus

NEW VIDEO by Woof Woof TV Featuring The American Molossus

Old World Molossus

The American Molossus and Old World Molossus featured in the New York post
and as of 12-10-2020
Made front page and feature in Molosser World Magazine
To get the magazine download their ap in the ap store
So proud that the American Molossus made the New York Post on 3-15-2019

Old World Molossus
On 5-2-2019 Is was with great honor and pleasure to meet Mr. Jerome Berman Owner, Director and curator of the California Museum of Ancient Art. We had the privilege of seeing different ancient artifacts such as ancient Egyptian Sarcophagus, the Ancient Sumerian Kudurru and an ancient clay statue of the ancient Molossus date around 1200-2000 BC. We had an amazing time and learned so much about the region, the ancient time, their Gods and how these ancient Molossus weren't just Guardians but were used in hospital areas as their saliva was thought to have healing powers. It is said that the Molossus were the Dogs of Gula the Goddess of Healing and when she was buried, there were up to 30 dogs buried with her.
Please check out the museum and donate at

Old World Molossus
American Molossus now officially registered with all 5 of the above registrees.News and updates can be seen at
American Molossus
on Animal Watch TV
Breeder of some of the oldest and Biggest dogs in the world
5000-2000 years BC, at a time much different than ours, it was a time where only the strong survived. A time where people were nomadic, barbaric and when they wanted land, riches, steel and even people they would just take it. A dark time and a time where people needed to have defense. They needed something that would protect the women and children left behind while men were hunting or at war. They needed comfort and peace of mind. They needed The Molossus.
The American Molossus is the resurrected ancient guardian of antiquity. This giant close quarter guardian was brought back using the true descendants of the ancient breed. The historical close quarter guardian was created and bred by Man as far back as 2000-5000 BC in Sumer, Mesopotamia and Babylon. Later in Greece where the reference name "Nasaru Urbat" translated to Guard Dog of Death was changed to the Molossus and was used to protect the villages, people, children and other animals from predators and enemies. This huge guardian was bred to deter and guard. Unlike other dogs used for hunting or travel this dog was strictly for close quarter guarding as documented. They are referenced down to the ancient cropping of the large toes. This would certainly indicate the need for the dog to stay close.
These giant guard dogs were huge with thick, massive, powerful bodies with loose skin around the head and neck for protection. These dogs were huge and massive not to be confused with the Jennings dog and the Laconian Hound of Greece. They were black brindle in color to be difficult to see at night and very intimidating in the day. Their ears were cropped to minimize engagement weakness and to improve hearing for guarding purposes.. Perhaps the best guarding dog in all of history by its long reign. This close quarter guardian was used throughout history the Sumerians, Mesopotamians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Kassites and ancient Greeks where they took on the name of the Molossus and then crossed bred and changed during the era of Alexander The Great 333-323 BC and during the Roman rise 753 BC-476 AD.
The ancient Molossus that was once the king of Guard dogs was cross bred to many other dogs over the centuries creating the Mastiff by crossing with a white shepherd dog and The Roman Colosseum dog known now as the Neapolitan Mastiff by crossing with a smaller fighting dog. Other crossings were done over the years creating many known breeds. This is where the term Molosser breeds come from as they are the descendants of the Molossus. The truest dogs in size and appearance were the Mastiff and Neapolitan Mastiffs and these were used to bring back the giant close quarter guardian. People for thousands of years needed a loyal giant guardian that would protect them, their home, children and animals but wouldn’t wander. They still do. This dog was needed and today this dog is back. I present to you, The American Molossus
If you're looking to buy American Molossus puppies, are a breeder seeking semen for breeding, or looking to buy a book on Dog Breeding, you found the right place
Contact Marcus Curtis : (909) 801-4713 Anytime!
We ship puppies, dogs, and semen world-wide.
WE BUY MASTINOS and Mastiffs!
Founded in 1999
Follow us at oldworldmolossus on Instagram
and at American Molossus
also on Youtube under American Molossus

Old World Molossus
Molossus statue
Sumer 2100 BC
Brooklyn Museum
Old World Molossus documentary with Horizon Animal care
Old World Molossus
From Animal Watch on Youtube
The Oldest Dog in the World?

Old World Molossus
My daughter Maya with Old World Sasquatch

Old World Molossus
My Daughter Maleaha with
Old World Sasquatch
American Molossus
Resurrected ancient breed
818 Concepts video
Pups 8 weeks
Further descriptions of the types of dogs found in Mesopotamia come from inscriptions such as one from the Ur III Period (2047 – 1750 BCE), describing large mastiff-like creatures coming into the city with their handlers, wearing thick collars and leashes that one can only guess were made of leather.
-All Mesopotamia

Old World Molossus
Old World Tigris
6 weeks
American Molossus pup
Old World Sasquatch
at 8 months vs a cop

Old World Molossus
American Molossus Old World Sasquatch


Old World Molossus
Old World Zeba
2 years

Old World Molossus
Old World Euphrates
2 years

Old World Lil Mo
14 months

Old World Molossus
The American Molossus is the resurrected ancient guardian of antiquity from 7000 years ago from ancient Sumer, Mesopotamia and Babylon. Before the Greek and Roman era and was used to create the Old English Mastiff and Neapolitan Mastiff.
These giant guardians are huge security blankets. The word that best describes them is Deterrent * a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something wrong.
If you're looking for a beast from antiquity, that will love, guard and defend your entire family, home and other animals yet will not attack without great reason and is a home body, you found it.
Produced by
Marcus E Curtis
Founder of The American Molossus
Author of Dog Breedings secrets
Judge/ Handler ADF
Judge/ Handler USBR
Vote For Us!

Old World Molossus
Show Dog
Conscientious breeders strive to maintain those desirable qualities in their breed.
At the same time, they are always working to improve on what they have already achieved, and they do this by referring to the breed standard of perfection.
- Marie A. Moore
Old World Molossuss breeding since in 1999
Old World Molossus

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